Haiku 22:17

February 22nd:

Glasses slip off nose
Into the dark waste of the sea.
I still need them more than he.

6 thoughts on “Haiku 22:17

      1. I write haiku too, I was not trying to say you’re wrong in anyway for writing it like that, I was just wondering why 5-7-8 that’s the first thing.
        I have read many smaller haiku as well like 5-7-1 or 3-5-3 and so.
        I meant no offense please know that.
        And I’ll like you to keep at it.
        You can read my writing, especially my Haiku and Senryu to know I have invested some good time to this writing style.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. No offense taken, I’m just letting you know that I was shocked and surprised when I found out. Especially since it makes so much sense. Haiku has such profound meaning and is really hard to divorce from its mother tongue. The way I learned in high school english just wasn’t cutting it anymore. So I am looking for new ways, new sounds, new methods.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Yeah I speak/understand Japanese as well as other 4 languages (English included). Also I’ll like to cleat it up that my poetry is posted on my other blog (link: wordsofaqua.wordpress.com)


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